Title: Fighting For Infinity
Series: The Kindrily #3
Author: Karen Amanda Hooper
Published: April 30th 2014 by Starry Sky Publishing
Length: 350pgs
Format: ecopy
Genre: YA paranormal
Shelf: review
Rating: ★★★★
Synopsis from Goodreads:
Two outcomes are possible: an infinite happy-ever-after with her kindrily or the final severing of her relationship with Nathan.
Closer to the enemy than ever before, Maryah unravels the diabolical plan that Dedrick has been manipulating into place for centuries. Revelations, secrets, and lies surface faster than Maryah can process. She doesn’t know who to trust, what to believe, or how to save her loved ones from the desolate future Dedrick is so close to executing.
Guided by an enigmatic raven-haired prisoner, Maryah fights body and soul to save Nathan, her kindrily, and countless others. But is her love strong enough to alter a prophecy written in the stars?
My Review:
The way that Hooper switches perspective from character to character really allows you to get to know each of them. It also gives the reader a sense of the big picture. You aren’t focussed on one or two characters, but rather on the entire Kindrily. The fact that each individual is distinctly developed and continues to grow throughout the series allows readers to connect with one and all. Hooper also creates the evilest of evil characters, yet keeps them realistic. They still act and seem human, even if their sense of right and wrong is skewed, which allows the reader to flow through the story without wondering about them.
Overall this was a brilliant ending to this series. It’s one I won’t soon forget (and I’m praying for a spin off series to continue this brilliant world). This is definitely a series that needs to be started at the beginning, but I’d recommend it to one and all.
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