Title: Fallen Eyes
Series: Salt Lake After Dark #4
Author: J.K. Walker
Published: Feb 22/14 by Create Space
Length: 321pgs
Format: ecopy
Genre: paranormal romance
Shelf: review
Rating: ★★★★★
Synopsis from Goodreads:
But something’s killing people in her territory. The local pack and the police are looking to her for answers—or an arrest. As alpha and enforcer, Jazz needs to shoulder the responsibility of protecting her community and finding the real monsters. If she can’t, she risks losing respect in a pack where her leadership is already in question.
As the investigation progresses, it becomes evident that old enemies have returned. They’re out for revenge, more powerful than before, and targeting those who’re most important to Jazz. The patterns are too familiar. The targets are too close to her heart. Jazz can’t be everywhere at once—can’t protect everyone at once.
This book contains content considered unsuitable for young readers 17 and
under, and which may be offensive to some readers of all ages.
My review:
I am completely hooked on the cast of this novel. Jazz’s animal side really shines through in this one. It’s priceless. She’s really becoming who she’s meant to be. The evolution of this character throughout the series really allows the reader to connect with her. I also love Loki in this one. I love how he goes from being a house cat to a full character in his own right. The rest of the cast is also there, in full form. Those that we’ve met before continue to grow based on their experiences, while the new characters are fully developed and a great addition to the story.
This series is crafted in such a way as to create an incomparable experience for the reader. Walker is definitely an author to watch.
Great review, that book does look interesting :)