Title: Broken Spell
Author: Fabio Bueno
Series: Singularity #2
Published: October 16th 2013 by Booklings Publishing
Genre: YA paranormal romance
Shelf: review copy
Rating: ★★★★
Book Blurb:
Skye wanted to find the Singularity. She got what she sought, but to protect the most powerful witch alive, Skye betrayed her coven. Now she regrets entangling her boyfriend Drake in her hidden world.
Drake yearned for Skye, but now he finds out that getting the girl is just the beginning: keeping the girl is the hard part. When tragedy strikes, Drake faces an impossible choice that could destroy his family and his shot at love.
The vicious Night covens seek retribution at all costs. Wicked Jane has returned, scarred from her last confrontation with Drake and Skye, and holding a baffling secret that may change everything.
Dangerous alliances arise. The Veil is about to be broken.
Falling in love has never been harder.
My Review:
The characters in this novel continue to grow as individuals and as friends. They are each developed so individually that as a reader you get to see the minute differences in their reactions to a single event. It’s quite a trip. The new characters that Bueno introduces in this instalment are also quite well developed and add to the storyline as a whole. You’ll also note that the supporting cast from the first novel become much more fully developed as their roles in the story grow.
Overall, this was a brilliant sequel to the first singularity novel, drawing you deeper into this world of magic and secrecy. At the end, I was only left with a single question: with this twisted ending, how will it all work out in the end?
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About the author:
Official Website: http://FabioBueno.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FabioBueno.Author/
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Email: fabio@fabiobueno.com
Newsletter: http://bit.ly/FabioBuenoEmail
Thank you for the great review!!