Monday, March 10, 2014

Love, Lies & The DA by Rebecca Rohman & Guest Post

Today I'm handing things over to author Rebecca Rohman.

Love, Lies & The D.A.

I worked on this book for the last year and the whole time, I could hear my mentor’s voice in my head.

“Telling not showing,” she’d say, or “I’m not convinced… not feeling it here.”

With this book I pushed myself, and tried to blow everything I knew I was guilty of with my first book (at least during the writing phase), out the park. My aim was to make the reader and my mentor, laugh and cry. I want readers to feel happy and sad, and at times I want them to feel angry—I want them to experience what the characters feel.

I’ve always had the most difficult time being funny in my writing and it was something I really strived to do in certain parts of this book. I think I’ve succeeded—it’s up to bookworms out there to decide . I’m silly, I laugh at my own jokes and depending on my husband to tell me if something was funny or not in a romance novel, was a complete waste of time.

He always gave the same blah response, “It’s cute.”

Not necessarily what you want to hear when attempting to write a funny scene.

The scenes where I wanted to evoke tears were the most difficult however. I had to get myself in “the zone”. That meant privacy, quiet, soft or no music, then I’d put myself in my characters shoes and I’d imagine how they’d feel.

In some instances, it was as simple as going back to a sad time in my life, but in others, I used my own fears— how I thought I would react in a given situation to write those scenes. I thought if I felt what the characters did; it would translate to the readers too. When I found myself bawling while my fingertips scrambled across the keyboard, I truly believed I would succeed in roping the reader in.

My aim was to keep readers engaged from page one all the way to the very end. Love, Lies & The D.A. will take people through a myriad of emotions—from lighthearted moments, to intense situations, from close encounters to steamy love scenes. Readers will laugh, and they will cry. I hope they thoroughly enjoy the heartwarming and sometimes heart-wrenching journey that Jada and Jonathan go through as they turn through the pages of my book.

About Rebecca:

Rebecca Rohman is a wife and designer currently living in the Northeastern United States. She was a Sales Manager for a tourist magazine, and for many years prior, she was involved in marketing for a jewelry company, and later for a fine wine distributor.
About fifteen years ago, she started writing her first romance novel, Uncorked, just to purely entertain herself. It was not until early in 2012 when she decided to complete it and share it with the world. The story was published in February of 2013. Love, Lies & The D.A. is her second novel.

Title:  Love, Lies & The D.A
Author:  Rebecca Rohman
Published:  February 18th 2014
Length:  587pgs
Format:  ARC ecopy
Genre:  romantic suspense
Shelf:  review
Rating:  ★★★★★


Jada McLean is about to get married in nine days, when she walks in on her fiancé in a little more than a compromising position. Days later, she’s on a trip that she intends to be relaxing and a prelude to her fresh start, when she runs into the rude, obnoxious, but gorgeous Jonathan Kole.

Jonathan Kole is San Francisco’s newest District Attorney. When he finds himself deeply attracted to a stunning beauty, he has no idea that she’s about to get into BIG trouble with the law—and he’ll be the one presiding over her trial. To make matters worse, his father is the lawyer representing her in the high-profile case.

When a series of events force them together over New Year’s weekend, Jonathan’s feelings and ethics will come into question, while Jada comes to terms with the fact that she is falling for the man that will be responsible for attempting to put her behind bars… Little do they know, they're both about to fall into a whirlwind so deep, it will send both their lives spiraling out of control.

Adult-content rating: This book contains content considered unsuitable for young readers 17 and under, and which may be offensive to some readers of all ages.

My Review:

I was excited alongside the characters right from the beginning. I thoroughly enjoyed the multiple perspectives shown throughout this novel. The story flips back and forth without the character headings that tend to break the story’s forward flow, yet at the same time everything is quite clear and enticing. The main character was so easy to identify with emotionally that it made the story very approachable. This is one of those books that you can picture living through. It’s emotionally raw and vividly real. I felt like I was watching a drama unfold rather than simply reading a novel.

The female lead in this novel is so interesting. I love that she’s self-made rather than from old money. It shines through everything that she does. It’s really nice to see a character who cares about more than just herself or her relationship. Not only that, but she is also so real. I appreciate how strong she is, yet still able to depend on others and ask them for help. It’s the best of both worlds. Because of the shifting perspectives and the fact that the story is written in the 1st person, present tense you really get a feel for who she is and how she appears to others. This story is so personal. The monologues from each character give you an in-depth look, understanding, and feel for who they are. I really love the random thoughts that flit through; it makes everyone seem so real. Even though these individuals are about as dissimilar from me as they come I could still feel for and identify with them.

The fact that Rohman writes this story in the 1st person, present solidifies the urgency present throughout the story. This story had my heart tied in knots and my mind racing a million miles an hour. Rohman has taken the romantic suspense genre and given it a bit of a twist to produce something eloquent and unforgettable. This isn’t a quick, flippant romance novel. It’s about real life and unimaginable, yet real, situations and was intensely thought provoking. Rohman’s well written, flowing descriptions illuminate the entire story. Even her romantic and erotic scenes are written in a very unique manner. They aren’t just fluff or page filler.

This novel was a rollercoaster that took me through a gamut of emotions. It had me on edge, made me laugh, brought tears to my eyes, and made me want to live a little. I didn’t read it all in 1 sitting, there just aren’t enough hours in a day, but I definitely couldn’t stop thinking about it and was dying to get back to it. It was a trip that I’d definitely recommend, and read again.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jonel for your AMAZING post and review of Love, Lies & The D.A. I appreciate you and your great support. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :)
