Saturday, June 8, 2013

Interview with Kandy Scaramuzzo

Today I'd like to welcome Kandy Scaramuzzo, author of Pie, an Old Brown Horse, to Pure Jonel.
Let's learn some more about her.

Q ~ Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Sure, I am probably the one of the quirkiest individuals you will ever meet. I have many interests, mostly having to do with animals and behavior. I guess you could call me a professional rehabber. I spend my days trying to fix issues with animals and children, mostly adolescents.

I love my life and my job. I am very proud of being a seventh generation Texan, there are not many of us around, plus I have a brick at the Cowgirl Museum. I love my “cowgirl life style”. I spend many hours outside with my horses, of which I have six at the moment. Most of my horses are rescues as are my dogs, cats, and snakes.

I do love to read and the best present my husband ever gave me was my kindle. I had one of the first dinosaur models and I wore it out. I am on my second one. It goes everywhere with me.

Q ~ If you could go anywhere, real or imagined, where would it be and why?

Wow, tough question, but I thought about it and I think I would really like to go to Texas in 1880, just like the Pat Greene song. I think people were more real then and there were less social issues. I know it would be tough, but I think I would enjoy it. People were more appreciative of everything back then. If you didn’t have anything, you appreciated what you got a lot more. There are so many selfish people and takers these days. It gets a bit tiring. Many people have told me they thought I was born in the wrong time period or I’m from another planet. I will let you decide the answer to that one.

Q ~ If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?

Ooh, a wolf, for sure. They are so majestic and loyal. They are also so smart. If you study their pack culture, you will see that they have a social system that makes most people look a bit shallow.

Q ~ What’s one habit that you have that you’d like to break?

I have a real bad habit of hitting my head against a brick wall. I don’t know when to stop. I wish I could figure that one out. I have always thought I could fix everything and I get upset with myself when I cannot. When I am working on something, I throw everything I have into it. I am pretty much an all or nothing type person.

Q ~ Are there any new Authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?

That is easy. There is Su Williams with Dream Weaver and Patrick O’Scheen with Dreamer.

They are not new but some of my favorites are MCV Egan, Amelia Curzon, and JT Brown.

Q ~ What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment?

I would say my biggest accomplishment to date is raising an incredible daughter to adulthood that is working, contributing member of society. She is awesome and I would like to think I had a little bit to do with that.

Q ~ If you could have coffee (or tea) with any author who would it be and what would you ask them?

Edgar Allen Poe for sure, would be my choice for a drinking buddy. How did he come up with the idea for Murders of The Rue Morgue? What made him create his detective stories? Did his ideas just come to him or did he have inspirations for them?

Q ~ What is your favourite genre to read?

I am pretty all over the place for what I read. It is easier to say what I don’t read, that would be erotica and romance. Just don’t care for them. I just finished reading the 1720 diary of Lady Bathery. Before that I read a nice horse story, and before that an adventure story. Right now I am reading a thriller. I also read a bunch of kid’s books. My adolescents don’t like to read, so I am always trying to find them interesting things to read.

Q ~ When you write, do you lay out a solid outline before beginning, or start writing and iron out the kinks later?

I keep it in my head and play it in several different ways, and then I start writing and don’t stop until I’m done. It plays hector on a schedule. Then I iron out the kinks.

Q ~ When you write, do you try to reach a specific word count or simply write until you are done?

I just start writing and don’t stop. The other day I wrote a short fiction piece and was having trouble with the word count. I’m not used to counting words. I had that same problem with papers in school.

Q ~ What inspired you to write Pie?

Pie inspired me to write Pie. He is the most exceptional horse I have ever been around. He has done so much to influence so many people in such a positive manner; I felt it was wrong of me not to share him. I was lucky to be chosen as his guardian and scribe.

Q ~ Can you tell us a bit about the novel?

I know it reads like a novel. It has been compared to Black Beauty. The reviewers are calling it Brown Beauty. One catch, it is a true story. It is just told from his point of view. He is a cocky old horse with an opinion about just about everything.

Just as a side note, he wrote the short fiction piece I was working on the other day. One book and he thinks he is Mark Twain.

Q ~ Are you working on any other novels? Do you have anything planned? 

 I have a few ideas rattling around in my head. I might have something out by the end of summer.

Q ~ What’s one piece of advice you would like to give those who’d like to start writing professionally?

If you want to write, do it. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it. You will run into a bunch of people who will tell you Indie authors are ruining the book field. You have to have a thick shell. If you need to write, write. Write for yourself, because it is something you love. If you love it, no one else should be able to talk you out of it.

There are a lot of good people who will support you also. Seek out other Indie writers. It is a very close knit supportive group of people.

Happy Trails To You!

Jonel, thanks for letting me ramble on your blog. You are awesome!

To connect further with Kandy check out the following links:

Or buy your copy of Pie: An Old Brown Horse online here today!

Thanks for stopping by today Kandy!
Stay tuned for more about Pie, an Old Brown Horse in the coming weeks.

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