Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Her Highland Rogue by Violetta Rand - Giveaway

Title:  Her Highland Rogue
Series:  Wild Highland Guardian
Author:  Violetta Rand
Publication Date:   June 28/126 by Loveswept
Length:  179pgs
Genre:  historical romance
Shelf:  review
My Rating: ★★★★★
Book Links: GoodreadsAmazon(US)Amazon(CA) - B&N - Kobo - Indigo - Google Play

Back Cover Blurb:

Errol MacRae’s days of gallivanting across the Highlands are nearing an end. His father’s health has taken a turn for the worse, and rumors are swirling that the crown intends to transfer ancient lands into the hands of the MacKenzies, the clan the MacRaes are sworn to defend. Errol expects to lead his men into battle soon. So he isn’t pleased when his father instead sends him to retrieve a beautiful flame-haired lass who has fled into the mountains.

Orphaned as a young girl, Aileana vividly remembers how the MacRaes rescued her and welcomed her into their clan. For ten years, she has served them loyally—until the night she’s nearly despoiled by one of the laird’s captains. Aileana risks her life and her reputation to seek refuge in the snowcapped peaks of the Five Sisters, the one place that has always felt like home. But after the strong-armed, strong-willed Errol tracks her down in a blizzard, she finds herself tempted to risk something even more dangerous: her heart.

My Review:

This tale is historically awesome. I love how Rand develops the time period in question. It was an unforgettable expense and the perfect balance between fiction and reality. Rand has created a novella that was sweet and hot at the same time. I love the ebb and flow of the dialogue. It's natural and easy to follow without being of this time. This is the type of story that leaves you smiling and sets you daydreaming, even amidst the chaos.

I can't comment much on the characters in this tale without giving away too much of the plot. It was comical when these two finally got together. I love how history and the plot came together in a fantastic and heartwarming moment. I will say that they were captivating and the type of characters that I truly wanted to get to know. Rand’s character development definitely does them justice.

This novel is a fantastic mix between history and romance. It's a must read for anyone who enjoys the genre.

Enter now to win in this fantastic giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card.
Contest is open to residents of Canada and the US only, where applicable by law. 
Entries close at 11:59pm July 8/16. 
Winners will be drawn July 9/16. 
Winners will be notified via email to the email provided to the giveaway and will have 72h to claim their prize or another winner will be drawn.


  1. I love historical romances! My first one that I read was "The Flame and the Flower" .

    1. I love The Flame and the Flower. I only started reading romances a few years ago. That's when I decided to start writing them. :)

  2. I like reading historical romances because they give me an idea of what it was like to live in those times. It makes me glad I'm living now.

    While Errol doesn't sound happy about going after Aileana in this book I'm guessing they work it out somehow. Hence the romance in this book.

    1. Hi, Joanne. Errol starts out the typical Alpha, with his needs on his mind. But Aileana softens his heart. As far as living in modern times, I'll transport back if I ever get a chance and stay. :)

  3. thanks for the chance to win. that looks like a good book too

  4. I love the settings in historical romance.

  5. History fascinates me so reading a romance set in historical times is the best.

  6. Thank you for the wonderful review, Jonel. :)

  7. This is a great book. I have read an ARC and posted my review on Amazon and Goodreads.

    1. Thanks for reading/reviewing, Petula. There's more Highlanders coming.

  8. already a follower but unfortunately still on tbr not enough hours in day with arcs for review squeezing in the time

    1. So many books, so little time. I understand.

  9. Thank you for introducing me to a new author!!!

  10. I have had this on my TBR for awhile! :) I love historical fiction about the Highlands! History and romance is the perfect mix for me, great review!

    1. Put on top of your TBR, Kara. :) Thanks for visiting.

  11. Hello Violetta, One of my favorite genres to read is Historical Romance. I can still remember the first historical book I read. Highland Velvet by Jude Deveraux
    My family is from Scotland and I've always been drawn to history because of listening to stories of that time.
    Her Highland Rogue sounds like an interesting read and I put it on my TBR list.

    1. Thank you, Kaylee. This is my first Highland book to write. I adore the genre so much. Happy reading!

  12. I love historical romance where it takes place in another time is so cool.

  13. I love historical romance. It takes me to another time.

    1. If we could really go there, I'd be in heaven.

  14. I think historical romance is amazing! I love being able to experience another time and place :)

    1. Me, too, Victoria. I'd dive into the Highlands or Viking age Norway with a smile. How about you?

  15. I only recently started reading historical romance and I love it!

    1. Well lucky you for joining the historical romance fan club. I adore it. What's your favorite book so far? Any author.

  16. Sounds like a good book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. I love Scotland although I've never been there. The pictures I've seen of the land are beautiful. And then there's all those single malt Scotches from the different areas of Scotland. My favorite happens to be The Dalmore, a Highland single malt. Delicious! I'm also proud of my Scottish heritage, descended from the McClellan Clan. Looks like an intriguing book. Best of luck with it! :-)

  18. I have grown to love historical romance, thanks to authors like Regan Walker, Eliza Knight and Amy Jarecki. They are well researched and it shows. My Highland Rogue sounds like it will join their ranks.

  19. Hi Violetta Rand! I love reading Historical Romance, it take me to a period in time where I might fit in. I'd fit in more int the Western Historical times from my up bring and family history from the south. It would be from my mother's side from the south, the stories she would tell me from her growing up and from the stories from her grandmother. I'm very old fashion/old school, just ask my poor sons. I love the dresses they wore, working the ground,preserving your food what you grew, smoked your own meat in the smoke houses, helping your family and neighbors, etc. I always wanted to marry me a cowboy and live on a farm or ranch. Neither happen in my life but I still dream of it. Growing up working on friends farms, I loved it! What I read of this book, sounds really interesting, love to read it!
    Donna Harris

  20. It looks like many of the comments start the same! I love historical romance. It seems we all wish we were born in another time, since that cannot be, we all like to take a visit through whichever portal is offered to us, where we can swoon and sigh, or be that unconventional character that we are at heart in a much more romantic setting than we experience in our daily lives.....

  21. Thanks for the invite for this giveaway! Hope I win

  22. A little humor with romance is always a good thing. :-) Have a great weekend.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  23. I love historical romance set in the Highlands. Can't wait to read this one.
