Monday, November 3, 2014

The Consecration of Jacob Jordaens by Michael Brown

Title:  The Consecration of Jacob Jordaens
Author:  Michael Brown
Published:   April 2014 by MJ Brown Books
Length:  418pgs
Format:  ecopy
Genre:  psychological thriller
Shelf:  review
Rating: ★★★★

Back Cover Blurb:

The Consecration of Jacob Jordaens explores the dark world of an underground sex trafficking ring with paranormal connections.

In the spring of 2001, Jake Jordaens moves with his mother, Lexis, from New Orleans to Providence, R.I. Nearby lives Lexis’ estranged husband, Nick Vaughn, member of a wealthy family, behind whose wealth lays the dark and disturbing crime of child pornography.

Jake’s sanity depends on ending the Vaughn’s nefarious empire, but the Vaughns will do anything to prevent Jake from unraveling their web of lies.

In this paranormal thriller, good and evil choose their favorites. Nineteen year-old Jake is slowly led to the truth by his mentor Moira Connery, a docent at the New Orleans Museum of Voodoo. Meanwhile, although Andrew, patriarch of the Vaughn clan, may be dead, his sordid twisted impulses still motivate family greed and debauchery from the afterlife.

Can Jake stop them? Will he fall victim? Will good or evil prevail? The dead? Or the living?

My Review:

Brown goes into explicit detail with the events and actions throughout this story. His straightforward writing style presents the story to you in a very approachable manner. His in-your-face approach to very taboo topics makes them all too real. It all combines to create the perfect setting for this remarkable novel.

Brown develops his characters to varying degrees, allowing readers to get to know them as they know each other. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them. Some gave me chills, some made me cringe, and others were oh-so-enjoyable. The very diverse and creative cast definitely made this story.

This novel is definitely well worth the read, but not for the faint of heart. Brown combines the paranormal with the seedy underbelly of humanity and comes out on top. I applaud Brown’s courage to write this tale and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to those who aren’t of the faint of heart.

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