Thursday, October 16, 2014

Unravel Me by Lynn Montagano

Title:  Unravel Me
Series:  Catch My Breath #2
Author:  Lynn Montagano
Published:  July 17/14 by HarperCollins UK
Length:  260pgs
Format:  ecopy
Genre:  contemporary romance
Shelf:  netgalley
Rating:  ★★★

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Lia’s meant to be on cloud nine: ever since she and Alastair finally confessed their love for one another, their relationship has never been so good.

Her British-born Adonis is all intent on sweeping her off her feet, showering her with gifts and affection more than worthy of the girlfriend of an international, millionaire businessman!

But their past seems to be intent on dragging the both of them down, and the hushed gossip of a dark secret begins to cause havoc to Lia’s life…

With an ocean separating her from her love, Lia can’t help but wonder if she can ever feel secure with a man who still plays everything so close to his chest, including her.

My Review:

This is a well written, well edited novel. Montagano’s descriptions paint a vivid world for the reader, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the world that she has created. Her story is quite easy to follow and very enjoyable. That said, there is just something about the author’s writing style that I couldn’t quite get into. It’s fully an issue of personal preference, but her tone and voice just didn’t always agree with me.

The characters in this novel are quite well developed. Some of the development plays on what we learned in the first novel in the series, but there is also a great deal of character growth in this novel as well. Readers get to know the characters and their stories well enough that this can easily be read as a standalone as well as part of the series. Although I can understand the main character’s plight on many levels, her outward whininess does go overboard at times.

As a whole this was an interesting, enjoyable read. It’s definitely not a story for everyone, but I did enjoy reading it.

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