Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Serial Blog with author Susannah Scott

Today you all are in the oh so capable hands of author Susannah Scott.

Any SJP fans out there?

We Gen-XYers don’t even pause—hell yeah! The bad dating of my twenties seemed benign compared to the antics of Sarah Jessica Parker and her posse on Sex and The City. When I saw Sarah she had done a “zippy-fun” 5 minute video interview with Vogue answering 73 questions, I was intrigued. 73 questions, in 5 minutes! (No, don’t go google it now! I’ll give you the link at the bottom)

The first time though the video, I was charmed and entertained. The second time, I felt the challenge of rapid-fire repartee calling my name... I wonder how I would answer all those questions?

Drum roll please….

For your snappy reading pleasure, I transcribed the questions and broke them into serial blog posts for my release tour. Many thanks to Jonel for hosting me today for my 8th segment!

Let’s do this thing!

Q61: What super power would you want?
A: Fly
I think this is one of the things that draws me to my dragon-shifters, I just love that they can fly. Somewhat ironically, I’m a fearful airplane flyer—but put me on a dragon and I’d be fearless! I’m sure a therapist could have a heyday with that one J

Q62: Experience that made you most nervous?
A: Performing
I was the worst piano recital kid EVER. I actually have a great singing voice, but I only like performing with groups.

Q63: Strangest word in the English language?
A: bulbous

Q64: Last country you visited?
A: Thailand
To close out a sorta family members estate. Now that was an book worthy trip! Loved Singapore, what an amazingly modern city. Felt very Paris-ish to me, stylish.

Q65: Favorite color?
A: Orange

Q66: Least favorite color?
A: Purple

Q67: Color of dress you wore to Prom?
A: Metallic blue, with sequins.

Q68: Diamonds or Pearls?
A: Sapphires, I really like deeply colored gems and Tanzanites.

Q69: Cheap or expensive shampoo
A: Expensive. I only wash my hair a few times a week because it is really curly, so I go all out on nice shampoo for curly hair.

How about you? I challenge you to pick 1 question from above and answer it in the comments.

You know you want to try!

If you’d like to follow the rest of the interview, you can see a complete listing of my serial blog tour here.

All my best,
Susannah Scott

PS> Here is the SJP Vogue Interview I promised.

About the author:

Susannah Scott writes dragon-filled Paranormal Romance and lives with her family in Southern Missouri. She loves connecting with readers through Social Media—and almost always replies!

And now, enter the tour wide giveaway!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me!

    1. My pleasure, as always. Counting down the days until your next release!!!!
