Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cade by V.A. Dold

Title:  Cade
Series:  The LeBeau Brothers #1
Author:  V.A. Dold
Published:  March 17th 2014 by Vickie Dold
Length:  248pgs
Format:  ecopy
Genre:  paranormal romance
Shelf:  review
Rating:  ★★★★


Anna James is single again, finally. In her opinion, men are self-centered and will never love her for who she is, a beautiful, plus sized woman. All except the fantasy man that she’s been meeting in her dreams for five years.

She just never expected her fantasy to be a real live alpha shifter... 

Cade Le Beau isn't what he seems. He’s a billionaire wolf. A Shifter. He laments his missed chance six months ago to meet his fantasy woman in the flesh. Just as his second chance presents itself, his fantasy woman, his mate, is threatened by the local mob boss and her ex-husband. Now, he has forty eight hours to deal with this threat once and for all or chance losing her again. 

Is it Anna who’s in danger, or the humans who unwittingly threaten her? 

The heat is on the moment they lay eyes on each other. Neither, age, children, horrid ex-husbands, nor mob bosses will stop this love affair.

Adult-content rating: This book contains content considered unsuitable for young readers 17 and under, and which may be offensive to some readers of all ages.

My Review:

Dold jumps right into the story, catching her readers’ attention from the beginning and letting them get to know her cast and world gradually. She takes the shifter world by storm, writing a story that neither talks down to the audience, nor making the entire story about sex (and don’t get me wrong, that’s there to, and it’s hot). It’s about the people and their relationships. She also takes the standard ‘shifter’ and ‘mate’ paradigm and gives it a bit of a tweak without completely rewriting everything. It is a brilliant change from the norm without having her audience completely turned around.

It was nice to see a shifter novel where the characters get to know each other, even after they know they’re true mates. Magic brings them together but reality keeps them there. Character development in this work relies heavily on this, and to great success. You know the characters the way that they know each other. This extends from the main characters to their families. I also loved the fact that the female lead wasn’t centrefold perfect. She was real & genuine & ate!

This was a remarkable work from this new author. It was hot & captivating while remaining so real and down to earth. I definitely can’t wait to see what she comes up with next (although, based on the ending here, I can guess! SQUEE!!!).

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About the author:

V.A.Dold is the author of the Le Beau Brothers series, New Orleans wolf shifter novels. A graduate of Saint Cloud University, she majored in marketing. Prior to becoming a full time writer, she was a publicist to the authors, owning Innovative Online Book Tours and ARC Author & Reader Con's (ARC NOLA) (ARC Phoenix). Still is. The companies mesh so well together, much like PB&J.
Her idea of absolute heaven is a day in the French Quarter filled with nothing but her computer, her coffee mug and the Brothers, of course.
A Minnesota native with her heart lost to Louisiana, she has a penchant for titillating tales featuring sexy men and strong women. When she's not writing, she's probably taking in a movie, reading or traveling.
Her earliest reading memories are from grade school. She had a major fixation with horses, and the Black Stallion was a favorite. Then junior high came along and teenage hormones kicked in. It became all about the Harlequin Romances. She has been hooked on romances ever since.

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