Sunday, March 16, 2014

Werelord Thal by Tracy Falbe

Title:  Werelord Thal:  A Renaissance Werewolf Tale
Author:  Tracy Falbe  
Published:  November 5th 2013 by Createspace
Length:  358pgs
Format:  ebook
Genre:  historical supernatural romance
Shelf:  review
Rating:  â˜…★★

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Thal is wanted for Devil worship and shape shifting but still boldly walks the streets of 16th century Prague. Jesuits hunt him. Mercenaries fear him. Musicians sing his praise, and women are captivated by his alpha swagger. Born of a witch and a sorcerer, he is summoned when his desperate mother casts the werewolf spell before facing torture and execution. Burdened with her magical call for vengeance Thal seeks the men that killed her. His hunt is complicated when the Magistrate's stepdaughter Altea Kardas crosses his path. Horrified that her community is burning women to death, she can confide her doubt and fear only to Thal. He desires her greatly but knows he will bring ruin upon her. Across Bohemia and beyond people who are different are labeled heretics in a restless world hobbled by tyrannical ignorance. The Renaissance has thrown the Holy Roman Empire into turmoil. Printed books are spreading radical ideas. Firearms are triggering a new age of warfare. And the human spirit is shaking off obedience. Thal embodies the ancient magic of the pagan past. He challenges a world conquered by a spiritual system that denies the flesh and forgets the Earth. And he awakens within Altea recognition of these truths. She believes any risk is worth loving him until she becomes the bait in a trap set by Thal's enemies.

My Review:

This tale is written in a very vivid manner, while portraying the entire story in a realistic light. Although supernatural in essence, Falbe tells her story in a way that seems plausible if not downright possible. Falbe has the beliefs of the time period in question very firmly placed within her novel. It makes for a very haunting yet authentic read. She builds her world in a variety of different shades. In my mind, I found myself picturing blacks and greys and browns. It was a very unique experience.

I found that the characters in this novel, although very well developed and approachable as individuals, were rather difficult to identify with. It made it difficult to fully immerse myself in the story. I felt like I was an observer rather than a participant in the tale. I also had to question some elements of the characters development, for example, where did the were come from? He had no backstory what-so-ever.

As a whole this was an intriguing tale with some truly enchanting & haunting moments. It would be a brilliant read for those who enjoy the mixing of history with the supernatural.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Jonel, Thank you for taking the time to read and review Werelord Thal. I'm glad you were able to find some enjoyment in it and see the value it would have to some readers.
